USC Wetland Team
Our Wetland Team delivers wetland conservation on a watershed scale. Many people recognize wetlands provide nutrient and runoff retention as well as habitat, but their benefits are often overlooked across the watershed. For that reason our team is dedicated to increasing wetland restoration and expanding wetland education and understanding across our region. We support many wetland-related programs, providing site review, monitoring, design, construction and maintenance to partners, members and other USC teams alike.
Wetland Team Goals
- Continue working to increase wetland restoration across the watershed with emphasis on projects that meet CBP model BMP reporting standards.
- Expand wetland education efforts through increased participation in public outreach events, and develop age-appropriate outreach materials for those events.
Targeted 2024 Projects
- Identify additional wetland needs in the watershed
- Initiate targeted wetland outreach
- Develop Chesapeake Bay Wetlands Action Strategy for New York
- Construct USC Water Quality Program wetland restoration projects – sites already identified and others as they come in.
- Continue assisting USC Teams and Partners with construction and maintenance needs.
Contact the USC Wetland Team for more information: by email or by phone 607-689-2785
Wetland Team Events
Wetland Team News
Upper Susquehanna Coalition Honored for Work in Agriculture
Submitted By: Troy Bishopp Madison County SWCD Albany, NY---Earth Day 2021 received a helping hand from your family
Introducing Our Customers!
With remote learning and connecting so high on everyone's radar, the USC Outreach Team decided that