Stream Corridor Assessment Guide

Stream Corridor Assessment Guide Overview

The individual components of stream corridors have a significant inter-relationship that directly impacts on the function and stability of the other components as well as that of the whole corridor.  This directly impacts on the land uses and infrastructure located within that corridor as well as the resilience of the stream system.  The assessment of these corridor components exists in many reference materials at varying levels of technical aptitude.  The goal of this project was to research existing reference/assessment materials to develop an entry level assessment that format and support materials that would be suitable to collect a “level one” determination of stream corridor condition and the need to refer to further expertise.  Once developed, the assessment guide and protocol would under-go peer review, and training would be provided to audiences with minimal stream assessment experience to determine suitability of the tool.

This document outlines the criteria for completion of a visual assessment of the stream corridor functional health and flooding resiliency as described below as part of a landowner/farmer site visit, potentially in conjunction with an AEM Inventory.  The inventory is meant to be a base level inventory in that it helps identify potentially critical issues that may call for further evaluation and design by parties trained in more advanced stream corridor management planning.  The assessment sheets provide visual cues used to determine stream corridor component status, as well as suggested planning protocol to consider.  Wherever possible, existing methodology and inventory tools are cited and were utilized to provide consistency in approach and conclusions.  The inventory looks at stream corridor components and their function and does not address all impacts such as animal and human access/modifications to the corridor, which are addressed in other assessments.  This guidance should be supported through an associated classroom and field training component.


Research existing base level inventories and the development of an entry level stream corridor inventory.  Conduct a peer review of draft guide, incorporate review comments and develop and hold associated training for Soil and Water Conservation District Employees and other watershed assessors.

Project Details:

Funding Partners:

NY Department of Agriculture and Markets
NY Soil and Water Conservation Committee


Development and printing of Stream Corridor Assessment Guide
Assessment Guide Training presented to Watershed Volunteers as part of the NFWF I-4 project
Assessment Guide Training presented at 2016 Conservation Skills Workshop
Assessment Guide Training presented at 2017 Water Quality Symposium
Assessment Guide Training presented at 2018 Conservation Skills Workshop
Incorporation of Stream Corridor Assessment Guide in NY AEM Program
Presentation of Stream Corridor Assessment Guide at PA Watershed Conference

Project Photos:

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