We do Grazing

Mission: To help landowners and farmers improve and inspire grassland stewardship on the landscape and in the watershed

We’re committed to building relationships and meeting people where they are within a production, profitability, environmental stewardship & family context.

We’re focused on providing practical, common-sense solutions using our experience, AEM planning matrix, and boots on the ground to enhance grassland/grazing management and guide data driven decisions to meet customer’s goals.

We walk land, plan, design, seek funding opportunities, coordinate and provide construction oversight on quality infrastructure systems for our customers.

We provide education, advocacy, one-on-one mentorship and pilot on the ground research.  Our team provides training opportunities for farmers, SWCDs and Ag professional staff.

We partner with our USC Agriculture, Stream, Buffer and Wetland Teams to implement a “Wall to Wall Buffer” strategy that improves resiliency for our customers.

Are you ready to work with us or find solutions to improve landscape function?

For grazing assistance:

Contact your local SWCD (visit our Contact Us page for our Member SWCD web information)

or Emily Dekar, USC Ag Coordinator 607-972-7983 or DekarE@tiogacountyny.gov

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