Upper Susquehanna River Watershed Forum – Watershed Wednesdays

Watershed Wednesdays 2024 is here!

Join us for mini-sessions with topics related to the Upper Susquehanna River watershed, conservation initiatives, and ongoing projects. Our Watershed Wednesdays series will run from September 11th to November 20th, and videos will be posted on this page. Session videos from previous years are linked at the bottom of the page.

Participate in the live webinars Wednesdays at 9:30 here: www.u-s-c.org/webinars.

2024 Watershed Wednesdays Session Announcements

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September 11th

Austin Unruh is the founder and CEO of Trees for Graziers (TFG), a company helping farmers in Pennsylvania and beyond take their grazing to new heights using silvopasture. His goal is to make silvopasture as easy and cost-effective as possible for farmers, which is why TFG offers everything from planning and funding acquisition to planting and aftercare, while also growing silvo-specific nursery stock and educating the public and conservation professionals about silvopasture.



October 6 Webinar Announcement



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