Urban Nutrient Management Resources

Urban Nutrient Management Plans (UNMPs) help to identify fertilization practices that achieve the most efficient nutrient use by turfgrass systems (lawns, golf courses, athletic fields, etc.) while minimizing nutrient runoff from fertilized areas that may negatively impact water quality in surface and groundwaters. The UNMP designates appropriate fertilizer application rates and timing for the turfgrass in a particular management area. The UNMP ensures that the turf has optimum soil nutrient availability for productivity and quality while also minimizing movement of nutrients to nearby waterbodies.

The following are digital resources developed to increase understanding in the benefits of Urban Nutrient Management Practices, determining whether your turf areas need nutrients, and ways to keep nutrients in place and out of our waterways.

UNMP Pledge Card

View the .pdf version of this file here
View an online Urban Nutrient Management Pledge Card Here

Top 10 BMPs

View the .pdf version of this file here

UNMP flowchart

View the .pdf version of this file here

UNMP Documents

UNMP Guidance – This guidance document and the associated UNMP templates are recommended for turfgrass managers and other professional landscapers.
UNMP Template – Follow the steps outlined in the Urban Nutrient Management Plan Guidance (UNMP Guidance) document and then fill out the tables and other sections in this document.
UNMP Checklist – This is a checklist of information needed to develop a voluntary Urban Nutrient Management Plan (UNMP) for golf courses and athletic fields (high-traffic, sand-based soils) and all other turf (low traffic, native soils) in New York.

NY Nutrient Runoff Law Requirements

For more information about our Urban Nutrient Management Program, contact us at urbannutrients@u-s-c.org or view these other UNMP resources: