Susquehanna Basin Climate Change Resiliency GIS Toolkit
Our Climate Change modeling team developed a series of ESRI shapefiles identifying potential resiliency-oriented Best Management Practice locations across the watershed. Target BMPs may add flood storage, prevent erosion and reduce in-stream temperatures all important aspects of improving the resiliency of our landscape. We prioritized BMP locations based on landscape position to maximize their efficacy for assisting farms with climate adaptation. For instance, larger areas in headwater positions are generally favored over smaller downstream sites. Similarly, locations closer to farms, are prioritized over those farther away. We utilized peer-reviewed literature to assign general efficiencies for different types of BMPs.
Best Management Practices include wetland restoration, wetland protection targets, riparian buffer restoration targets. Upland and wetland conditions, steep-slope reforestation zones and pond construction site id are additional data layers identified in the toolkit. The base-resolution of data varies somewhat between BMPs. Wetland restoration target resolution is estimated at 10m, and other layers are generally at 30m resolution. As such, potential zones for BMP implementation are approximate, and may need to fit around local on the ground conditions.
Download Resources:
Stand alone Susquehanna Basin Climate Change Resiliency GIS Toolkit: arcGIS map package 294 Mb
Report summarizing project: Climate change resiliency project Final Report 2.8 Mb
Map package data screen shots: