
More about what’s happening in the Upper Susquehanna River Watershed

Spotlighting Great Projects Across the Watershed: Repair of an Entrenched Roadway

2019-10-09T13:05:14+00:00October 9th, 2019|Resources, USC Blog, Watershed Concerns|

By: Joe Quatrini USC Member This unpaved road was severely entrenched and extremely narrow.  The ditches remained saturated most of the year and any runoff made its way directly to the stream.  Nearly 9,000 tons of fill was added which raised the road

Bradford Conservation District & USC Stream Team Host Dirt & Gravel Roads Training

2019-09-30T17:00:22+00:00September 30th, 2019|Stream Team, USC Blog|

By: Mike Lovegreen USC Stream Team Leader The Bradford County Conservation District hosted and conducted a training on the PA Dirt and Gravel Roads Program that was applauded by all as a worthwhile and successful day.  Joe Quatrini, the technical team leader of

Mansfield University Students to develop Watershed Assessment for Holden Brook

2019-09-30T18:27:57+00:00September 13th, 2019|Stream Team, USC Blog, Watershed Concerns|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 13, 2019 Osceola Township, Tioga County, PA –  Mansfield University Watershed Management Students, Tioga County Conservation District, Tioga County Emergency Services, Upper Susquehanna Coalition, Steuben Soil and Water District and Osceola Township are joining forces to evaluate the Holden

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